Everything was a lie, you don’t love me.
Let me explain you, I don't love her, she is just a nanny for our children ...
How could you lie to me, how could you cheat your wife?!
I don't have hopes for us anymore, sorry ..."
Mostly about virtual relationship's ends as this. Virtual lovers breaks up when someone figures out who is a virtual lover in real life, usually married women and men, unsatisfied with their private life using profiles on social networks to live their life again, to change him in their minds.
They begin to confuse real and virtual life fall in love for real, convince themselves that virtual life is better, get more attention. It is exciting, can discuss with everything, will not put bond as in real life, as with real life partner.
After the end of virtual affairs, virtual lovers can't harmonize with themselves that is over that they are in real life again, perfect love is no more in front of the screen.
They actually suffer, convince themselves that they are victims in this relationship, try to find another love, better with more understanding, and circle never ends.
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Virtual affair is fantasy, usually story that ends with bad end for at least one main character in this story, and do not forget that this story have at least three or even four main characters.
After one virtual affair starts, then as time goes by it is hard to finish it. Perfect lover with romantic love, picture of roses on the bed, love poem in the messages , smile on the screen ... But that is just imagination far away from the real thing.
Someone will say now, virtual affair is not affair it is fun, flirt, no damage for marriage, nothing special, let us see now ... If somebody has a family, life partner, kids maybe, and that person spent hours talking with somebody else instead with real partner, touching the screen, get naked and having sex during the time the other side on the screen doing the same thing, is it flirt or affair?
Yes sorry, it is affair by itself.
If somebody spends almost every day talking, seeing, touching over the screen somebody, having jealous moments when other side talk with somebody else and not thinking during that time at all about the family, it is an affair.
That affair is even worse than real, it can last longer, there is curious how it would like in real, virtual lover is more interesting, perfect, the sex is even better as you just can imagine.
The virtual affair becomes more fun, more exacting, once it starts for those who emotionally cheating, it is going to be as an addiction, more and more hours talking, doing things that they can't say or do with their husband/wife.
Once when virtual lovers emotionally cheat he/she will feel the need to meet that person one day in real, and make it real.
Those who think that is nothing wrong should sit and think, put yourself in a place, not a place of a virtual lover put yourself in a place of husband/wife of that person, is it OK now, how do you feel?
For real life partners of virtual cheaters knowing that their husband/wife was spending hours, days, even months talking, laughing, having sex, sending naked pictures to any other man/woman can be tremendous.
For them there are no difference between virtual and real cheating, in their mind their love didn't think of them, somebody else was or is more important, they are not good enough anymore, they are on the second place now.
One more side gets here hurt, the side that didn't fake that was clean, didn't lie, didn't cheat, the side that expects all of that from the other side too, side that never dreamed her lover was a fake.
How much they get hurt after they realize that their perfect partner is a fake, have family that all was a lie, and how that result in their future love life?
At least end of this kind of love affairs should be edifying for every side, virtual cheaters who should ask themselves why they are not happy with real partners, their partners in real life should begin to work on relationship before it ends with divorce, and finally for the other side over the screen that should be more careful next time if she/he wants to try love over the Internet again.
"Go, leave me here with my life, you never loved me.
You are right, I don't think I ever really loved you. I think I was in love with an idea of you ... "
"Go, leave me here with my life, you never loved me.
You are right, I don't think I ever really loved you. I think I was in love with an idea of you ... "
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