Tuesday, May 26, 2015



"Art is not what you see, but what you make the others see"  Edgar Degas

"Art is a line around your thoughts" Gustav Klimt

"Creativity takes courage"  Henri Matisse

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life of our souls"  Pablo Picasso
"Everything you can imagine is real"
ART IS  MY LIFE - Marijana Ignjatović

Tuesday, May 19, 2015



"Being an artist is the same as being a wizard.. only instead of the want you use you use a pencil for your magic"

"Art is not a thing, it is a way"

"Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad" Salvador Dali

"To be an artist is to believe in life" Henry Moore

Friday, May 8, 2015


I have blogged more than one year and during that time I wrote about many different issues. Since I am a lawyer my posts are based on cases I receive or heard about. One of the most read topics is 

I cannot lie that I asked myself why people read it more than, for example posts about friendship or superstitious. During my research I found that every second person knows somebody who had virtual affair and every fourth person actually had a virtual affair. My target group were men and adult females between 18 and 50 years old in a relationship or married. 
While I was researching, I thought why this occurred?
The Internet and social networks gave many chances, but also made disaffect people from each other. 
I agree that is seems easier to find your soul mate over a social network, you make a few clicks, check profile, text a little and love can start, but is it really that easy? 

As I wrote in my blog, social networks gave us an opportunity to show ourselves just as we like to be and not as we really are.
For instance, how many people among your social network's friends are photographers, as I know every third, but are they really photographers? Well, they bought a camera, but that does not make them photographers. 
Same is with relationship status, many of our social network's friends are married in real life, but they express that they are single or simply hide that. 

A few months earlier, before I wrote about virtual affair, thanks to my colleague (if I can say thanks, yes, she had virtual affair) I had chance to text with a man who made a fake profile for seducing women. I was surprised that he accepted to text with me about the reasons why he created a fake profile and  experienced many of his virtual affairs. 
He was in his middle 30, relative successful, married with kid and pregnant wife. He made his fake profile in his early twenties only for one purpose - seduction womenHis photos were real, everything else was fake: name, country, age, status, education. 
On my question why he did all that he explained to me that he felt again as a man, seducer, he had power over those women and was no harm for his family. His wife never caught him in those affairs, all messaging, chatting was during his work. 
I asked him how would he feel if his wife do that the same with some man and he explained that he will divorce. 
"Cheating is cheating, no matter is it real or virtual" he said. 
Even  I had despised him in this I had to agree.

Long after I text with him I thought about those women who were his target, they were young and old, married and single, BUT they all needed attention, they totally needed to be loved.
Yes Internet gave us a chance to visit Peru but also change our perception of love and romance. When I watch old movies I see men who give flowers and candies to the woman they love, write letters and sing poems under her windows. 
Do I know a woman, which husband or boyfriend did or do that? Unfortunately, the answer is no. 

Emoticons, messages, songs from YouTube can not replace real courtship, but people believe that is the same. 
Virtual affairs exist, and I think it will be more. 
Can we stop them? No. Can we accept them? Well, I do not know for you but for me affair is affair and I can never accept that. 

At this moment while I write this post somebody read about virtual affair, searching for excuses, thinking "mine affair is different, he/she really love me" in this moment, men from my text is speaking with some women telling her that she is the most beautiful women he ever saw, in this moment some woman will believe him. 

Are they happy? 
They think they are, but deep at heart they are just searching for real love...

This text is authorized by Marijana Ignjatovic, and any copying is not permitted

Saturday, May 2, 2015


In the Internet era everything changes, hobbies, love, even friends. It is not strange anymore to speak with people we never seen before, to share our problems, to ask for advice. 
The online friendship begins when two people bond and have things in common, simply like a real friendship. The friends share photos, email each other, chat or hang out eventually.

Someone would ask how can we got a good advice from someone we don't know? Trust it or not, our virtual friends sometimes can give us better advice than our real ones. 

They don't judge us, don't involve themselves in our troubles, no need to take a side,  so the outcome is they are more objective.
For the first time in the story of human friendship, social networks gave us the opportunity to choose friends not by location or luck, but perfect friends by rounding up people with similar interests, hobbies, sense of humor like ours.  It need less time, and what is the most important any time is a good time for chat. Even thought most of this friendship will not be constructed in real it becomes a source of fun and nice time.
For people who are a little bit shy and need more time to make friendship in real, virtual friendship is more comfortable. It affords them the choice to skip face to face talk, to choose topic to speak about, to say their opinion.

This is a good side of virtual friendship, but virtual life brings always darker side. 
We cannot recognize who is a real person on the other side of the screen, it can be totally opposite of what he/she represent. 
People often create a separate persona of themselves online, their real life often does not have a connection with their virtual and they are completely different characters.

Virtual friendship introduced to each of us both sides of friendship.
It needs some time to understand how to cover elements that may reverse against us and make merriment of our sincere friendship. 
Social networks offer numerous people who wait to make use of the desperate need of a friendship and fail to provide the true comfort of friendship. 
But real friendship also has its own dangers and disadvantages. We decide which  kind of friendship we like more- real or virtual?

The best way would be to be careful, but to choose both, at the end it is the 21st century...