Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I should be more careful, at the end, I am a lawyer, but when I see something connected with kids and animals I switch my brain and believe with my heart.
I do not suppose that thinking with heart is bad, but in my example I was cheated and I would accept that, but I cannot accept that somebody uses children to reach his goal.
A few months ago I linked up Kujaja "the community of over 5000 enthusiastic photographers" as they call themselves who are gathering money for children by clicking the donation button from visitors on their photos. I uploaded a few of my photos and called people to donate, share their photos, join community everything in the name of a good cause. 

Was I wrong? Oh yes, a lot!

I decided to put photos that can attract the most attention and donation so I chose kittens and flowers. I was right, I got the most votes ever, but what happened with a donation, I do not know. This was the politics of the community to not show that report.
How unusual I thought, this should be open report that anyone can see, but I guessed maybe they do on the end of the month.
After I put my photos, I looked what will happen on this site with the other photos.
People were voting for each other, commenting and what was strange there was the same people 10-20 persons. What happened with the rest 5000?

In one moment my photos were erased, why?

I asked what happened, I had lot of votes so I guessed I had also a lot of clicks on donation button? 
At the beginning I didn't get answers, then they played that they do not know what I'm talking about; than that I voted for myself, which was not possible, because you cannot vote for yourself; that my family vote for me (sorry, but I have only one member of family ) and then I received a private message from one of the moderators.
What he wrote to me, it is embarrassing to repeat, but shortly he explained to me that I cannot expect to get glory putting my non photographer photos. 
I wrote that I do not care who will won this is not the point, the point is to collect money.  I asked what happened with donation and how many money they get by donation?
Of course I didn't get the answer, but I got comment next day under my photos that they do not belong there. 

Yes, now you know what I am talking about.

Those people use this community to raise themselves, making money to print books with their photos and to sell those.
And kids?  The kids were used as an advertise. 

I must say that  I still have a bitter taste in my mouth, the idea to play on charity to get the needed money is not strange to people, but every time makes me sick.
In this example, this obsession with photography and wish every second person to be photographer made the result that low level people use poor children to receive their gold. 

When I made a little research I found over 20 similar community like this one.
I'm furious today as I was in the moment I realized what those people really are.
Can I do something? Unfortunately not so much, except to say to everyone be careful with charity organizations and especially with so- called charity communions which do not indicate how much money they take in

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


"Art is not what you see, but what you make the others see"  Edgar Degas

"Art is a line around your thoughts" Gustav Klimt

"Creativity takes courage"  Henri Matisse

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life of our souls"  Pablo Picasso
"Everything you can imagine is real"
ART IS  MY LIFE - Marijana Ignjatović

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


"Being an artist is the same as being a wizard.. only instead of the want you use you use a pencil for your magic"

"Art is not a thing, it is a way"

"Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad" Salvador Dali

"To be an artist is to believe in life" Henry Moore

Friday, May 8, 2015


I have blogged more than one year and during that time I wrote about many different issues. Since I am a lawyer my posts are based on cases I receive or heard about. One of the most read topics is 

I cannot lie that I asked myself why people read it more than, for example posts about friendship or superstitious. During my research I found that every second person knows somebody who had virtual affair and every fourth person actually had a virtual affair. My target group were men and adult females between 18 and 50 years old in a relationship or married. 
While I was researching, I thought why this occurred?
The Internet and social networks gave many chances, but also made disaffect people from each other. 
I agree that is seems easier to find your soul mate over a social network, you make a few clicks, check profile, text a little and love can start, but is it really that easy? 

As I wrote in my blog, social networks gave us an opportunity to show ourselves just as we like to be and not as we really are.
For instance, how many people among your social network's friends are photographers, as I know every third, but are they really photographers? Well, they bought a camera, but that does not make them photographers. 
Same is with relationship status, many of our social network's friends are married in real life, but they express that they are single or simply hide that. 

A few months earlier, before I wrote about virtual affair, thanks to my colleague (if I can say thanks, yes, she had virtual affair) I had chance to text with a man who made a fake profile for seducing women. I was surprised that he accepted to text with me about the reasons why he created a fake profile and  experienced many of his virtual affairs. 
He was in his middle 30, relative successful, married with kid and pregnant wife. He made his fake profile in his early twenties only for one purpose - seduction womenHis photos were real, everything else was fake: name, country, age, status, education. 
On my question why he did all that he explained to me that he felt again as a man, seducer, he had power over those women and was no harm for his family. His wife never caught him in those affairs, all messaging, chatting was during his work. 
I asked him how would he feel if his wife do that the same with some man and he explained that he will divorce. 
"Cheating is cheating, no matter is it real or virtual" he said. 
Even  I had despised him in this I had to agree.

Long after I text with him I thought about those women who were his target, they were young and old, married and single, BUT they all needed attention, they totally needed to be loved.
Yes Internet gave us a chance to visit Peru but also change our perception of love and romance. When I watch old movies I see men who give flowers and candies to the woman they love, write letters and sing poems under her windows. 
Do I know a woman, which husband or boyfriend did or do that? Unfortunately, the answer is no. 

Emoticons, messages, songs from YouTube can not replace real courtship, but people believe that is the same. 
Virtual affairs exist, and I think it will be more. 
Can we stop them? No. Can we accept them? Well, I do not know for you but for me affair is affair and I can never accept that. 

At this moment while I write this post somebody read about virtual affair, searching for excuses, thinking "mine affair is different, he/she really love me" in this moment, men from my text is speaking with some women telling her that she is the most beautiful women he ever saw, in this moment some woman will believe him. 

Are they happy? 
They think they are, but deep at heart they are just searching for real love...

This text is authorized by Marijana Ignjatovic, and any copying is not permitted

Saturday, May 2, 2015


In the Internet era everything changes, hobbies, love, even friends. It is not strange anymore to speak with people we never seen before, to share our problems, to ask for advice. 
The online friendship begins when two people bond and have things in common, simply like a real friendship. The friends share photos, email each other, chat or hang out eventually.

Someone would ask how can we got a good advice from someone we don't know? Trust it or not, our virtual friends sometimes can give us better advice than our real ones. 

They don't judge us, don't involve themselves in our troubles, no need to take a side,  so the outcome is they are more objective.
For the first time in the story of human friendship, social networks gave us the opportunity to choose friends not by location or luck, but perfect friends by rounding up people with similar interests, hobbies, sense of humor like ours.  It need less time, and what is the most important any time is a good time for chat. Even thought most of this friendship will not be constructed in real it becomes a source of fun and nice time.
For people who are a little bit shy and need more time to make friendship in real, virtual friendship is more comfortable. It affords them the choice to skip face to face talk, to choose topic to speak about, to say their opinion.

This is a good side of virtual friendship, but virtual life brings always darker side. 
We cannot recognize who is a real person on the other side of the screen, it can be totally opposite of what he/she represent. 
People often create a separate persona of themselves online, their real life often does not have a connection with their virtual and they are completely different characters.

Virtual friendship introduced to each of us both sides of friendship.
It needs some time to understand how to cover elements that may reverse against us and make merriment of our sincere friendship. 
Social networks offer numerous people who wait to make use of the desperate need of a friendship and fail to provide the true comfort of friendship. 
But real friendship also has its own dangers and disadvantages. We decide which  kind of friendship we like more- real or virtual?

The best way would be to be careful, but to choose both, at the end it is the 21st century...

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Once upon a time...

A three little twigs realized that is enough of their silence and they decided to sing. 
The first twig said: "What to sing? I do not know so many songs."

The second one said: "I heard some song when one girl by the lake sang, but I forget how it started."

Lastly the third one said: "Let we sing about the lake, snow, us and
The beauty all around us." 

Three little twigs began to sing and the whole nature started to move, the snow happily started to fall, the lake smiled at the sky and people around them felt as if they had never seen a nicer place before..." 

If you want to read more you can go to   sweetdreamsfairies.

Once upon a time, Es war einmal, Jednom davno...

No matter which language we speak, we all know how fairy tales start and which feeling to us this sentence works. They remind us of childhood, when we were protected, dreaming about our happy future. 
But fairy tales are not only stories for fun, from a childhood they teach us about many attributes. For example, to do, not believe to the stranger (Snow White), to not forget to invite all people on the party (Sleeping beauty), heart and soul are more important than look (Beauty and the beast) and much more. 
Depending which fairy tale parents read us that attributes we will easily accept.

"If you don’t know the trees you may be lost in the forest, but if you don’t know the stories you may be lost in life. — Siberian Elder .

When we are older we can compare ourselves with fairy tale characters. Fairy stories are different, but one thing is the same for all. Ending. They are all happy, the good concerned the evil and that is what people need to believe. People need hope, in this crazy world when bad days are more than good people need hope that they will have a happy ending. While fairy tales certainly are not completely responsible for this, they certainly are an inspiration.

What we actually need is chance to daydream. A chance to dare to consider that there is our own happy ending somewhere out there waiting to occur. A chance to discover that we nevertheless experience good in ourselves and that good things can happen to us. A chance to consider ourselves as the characters in the fairy tale, and to recognize that we are the hero of our own life's story.

Fairy tales give us these opportunities, which is why they are important.

Fairy tales remind us to dream, and to aspire to success because everyone deserves their own happy ending

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.” Albert Einstein

This text is written by Marijana Ignjatović any copyrighting is not permitted

Sunday, April 12, 2015


How many times you started your day with reading horoscope? Did you ever decide to do not go from the house after you saw a black cat?

Every person is superstitious, some more, some less. Some people think that passing below a ladder can bring bad luck, others consider that four leaved clovers can bring them a good luck while a third group believe that breaking a mirror can bring 7 years of misery. I, for example, do not like to speak about plans, believing that if I tell them they will not come true.


Serbian people are pretty much superstitious, for example, if we speak about something good, we will knock on wood or if we speak about something bad we will move from a place where we sit or stand. 

The greatest piece of superstitious is connected, considerably you can guess, with marriage. 
You will not marry if you sit on the end of the table or if you do not require to catch the bride's bouquet. If you have the luck to find a husband, which will never happen if you pass while some women clean with groom in front of her house, then better not sing by the table because your hubby will go mad.

When the child is born you must pronounce that the baby is ugly because if you say the baby is pretty than the baby will not have luck.

One of the most careful things which every Serbian will be scared is "a draught".  In Serbia the most usual  saying when somebody has pain in physical structure is” draught kills me”. It is unbelievable how every illness is bound in with this phenomenon which is nothing more than air flow. 

If you sit next to an open window your neck will be stiff, if you go out with wet hair you can get brain inflammation. 
Women who exposed stomach to cold air can get a child.

Shortly everything is good until you sit on draught. That obsession with draught I will never understand

In the nation where every natural event is distinguished as a "God's will", prophets and fortune tellers found their oasis.
Someone would ask, how in 21 St century people still believe in crystal bowl and tarot cards, but let us think, if people think that someone can talk with death, there is also very large percentage of people who consider that nine cards will tell them a future. 
It is very easy to seduce people who are superstitious.

Of course, properties and fortune tellers are keeping up with the times so they changed crystal bowls and cards with tablets and iPhone. "The magic" is the same like before five hundred years ago, you ask questions and soon got answer that everything will be good just put red cotton around your arm, throw holy water on your evil neighbor, or cast a flower under the pillow and so on, and then on, and yes, you must pay for this a pretty good sum of money. In front of fake fortune tellers lines are so big, that for some of them people wait a week to schedule a date. 

It is obvious that the obscure area of  human knowledge is a pure exemplar of the manipulation. Every effort to turn away credulous people is mission impossible.  

At the time where every "why" has its "because", where humans take on amazing discoveries, people still like a thousand years before have a fear of the unknown.


The whole my life people tell me that I will never marry because I sit on the border of the table, pigeons pooped on me so many times that I should be the luckiest person on the globe, and I broke the mirror so many times that I should suffer the misery till end of my life.

One is for sure, we choose what we will conceive and how big power we will contribute to those believing.

If we constantly lie ourselves seeking guilt in the others for the things which happens to us, if we obtain repose in the fact that somebody will tell us that soon everything will be right, then we deserve at least one of 2000 magicians which works in Serbia.

Are you a superstitious?


This text is written by Marijana Ignjatović any copyrighting are not permitted

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Each love starts as big, wonderful, for women especially, they are more romantic, so when they found the love they discover him as a love evermore. By the time first impression start to fade, a prince from fantasy starts to be a human being, with all mistakes as the rest and sometimes even more.

Bullies do not set out to be suddenly like that, they begin first with small jealous incidents. At the beginning of the relationship, it can be even cute, but by the time the jealousy becomes bigger. 

Violence against the women do not need to be only physical, psychical torture can be also painful. Usually, we ask ourselves why some women accept and tolerate violence. The reason that these women accept torture by the fact that they are usually dependent of these men is that they strongly believe that they will change.
After every insult or hit in the weak woman's body, they blame their victims for that, they put the blame on the victim, slowly ruin her self-confidence. For a while bullies will be even nicer to their victims, they will promise that this was the last time. By the time, bullies will separate their victims from their friends, families so even when victims start to think about leaving them as they will think that the world outside is worse than their own. Women with lost self-confidence, who do not trust in herself at all, will never leave their abuser.

Women must understand when a man one time hit or bad insult her, he will do that again. There is no sitting and crying, this kind of man must be left with no turning back. 

Each of these bullies will say that he cannot live without his woman, but the only reason why is that true is that the abuser need to blame somebody for their failure as a man and to feel powerful on the other side.

Violence against women exist from beginning of our time, do not torture your woman, the real man does not do that, the real man respects and love his woman. If any of you know some woman who suffers violence in this moment, do not turn your head, help her to leave and save her life. Do not let yourself become the victim, there is so many nice, gentlemen in this world and we have only one life.

In last five years, 150 women was killed in Serbia, in first two months this year 5 women was killed in the family violence. Stop violence against women.

This text is written by Marijana Ignjatović any copyrighting are not permitted

Monday, March 30, 2015


Why women so desperately desire to remain immature and when ageing starts to be a disgrace? Why is youth so important than anything else?

In the world where youth is a synonym for beauty and ageing does not exist, women set out to believe they must stay young to be pretty.
Almost every minute advertize is about how to stay young and pressure of society is so big that women begin to believe that every wrinkle could be determined by the random person she meets during the day.
It is the fact that oldness is different with adult males, society forgive them, they look even opposite, there is a well-known phrase "older man is like old wine, which by the year start to be more proficient and better". We can't obtain that cooperation with adult females.


In that location is an old idiom "you do not ask a lady for her age".
I have an opinion that many women do not want to hide their age, I am one of them, but... If some woman does not want to hide her age, does that mean she is not a lady?
Why to not ask women for her ages? Did she forget? 
Parents didn't tell her when she was born? Public house made an error and wrote wrong age?
Why is so frightening to ask some women how many years she holds out in this universe?

Every year of life brings us something good and consider something bad, we should be proud that we lived, known, felt something that some younger can still daydream and guess about. 

It is fact that many of the women seem better than their age. Oh, why try to hide it?

Understandably, for some women, especially for those who have hit their forties, fifties and if they look younger than their real years, why would they desire to admit to being older in a society which is obsessed with youth?

For those women which are unable to get away with such a lie, since they actually look as the women in their age or even older, there are those who are prepared to take a step to change their face and body so that they can look younger than they are. This extreme, unfortunately start to be normal and more and more women go for plastic surgery. 
Do they look younger after? No, actually they look different, they are more object of fun than the object of youth.


The group of women who do not want to get that extreme way they use the opportunity that the Internet gives. It is comfortable to stay young with few clicks in an editing program. They put their retouched photos, erase info about their age, relation status, sons, and daughters. They bring again themselves in the years when they were young. 
God knows why those women are not happy today when they have families, kids and why they repeat ages when they just dreamed about what they own now.

Somebody will surely give compliments on those retouched photos, only those women should think did THEY receive compliments or their photo? Some man will even call for a date or a simple coffee that photo, but how the owner of the photo would react? The pain would be even bigger and not to speak of the disgrace, the prevarication is not for somebody who do not know that woman, the lie is for herself.


In 21 St century when women are independent they lost self-confidence more than ever before. They afraid to show their face without makeup, their bodies without push-ups. They subsist in the lie, They subsist in fake new youth.

Forties are not new thirties, the thirties are not new twenties, those years are gone, we do not look like then, and what is the most important we do not think like then.

The truth is that no matter what we do, youth will not come again.

Accept your life, enjoy with your families, love your wrinkles because they are notes of Your life. Be who you really are, stop being a fake person, be proud of yourself, because we are all unique!


This text is written by Marijana Ignjatović any copyrighting are not permitted

Thursday, March 26, 2015


A few days ago, I had the opportunity to see a photo of my boyfriend which made his good friend. She makes photos as a hobby and since she could not find male model, she asked my boyfriend. To be fair, I did not know that my tall and handsome man is small, pregnant guy.
When did he get pregnant? Who is the mother of his child?

Social networks gave us a chance to express to the world the best of us, our interests, our knowledge, our creativity and our hobby. Everyone can be famous on few seconds, everyone can be gifted.

Is that actually true? Can we all be talented even we are not?
Are we all talented to be models, authors, painters or photographers???

A few years ago everyone believed that they can be models- women spent hours and hours in front of their cameras in their best clothes, with full makeup. This trend went so far that they started to make photos in the toilets, their or public.
On one hand, I would understand that they took photos how they take a shower, brush their hair or clean their teeth, healthy and clean body is very important so they want to educate us, but no, they were all the same in their best clothes and make-up. Today we experience how their toilets look like and I must acknowledge that I saw few nice types of tiles.
Does anybody remember now how these" toilet top models look alike"?

If some man reads this at the moment I will remember him that men were the same just with less makeup.

Nowadays, trends change, models are "passe", everyone wants to become a photographer. The truth is that everyone can take a photo, but real photographers can be like it was before hundred and more years ago, only a few. With the advent of  a digital era, everyone can buy a camera and edit program which helps to produce much better photo than previously with a film based camera. When they take their photos in some editing program that internet offer they suddenly think they are now "professional photographers " and they took "work of art".  

Does everybody forget what makes one person with a camera good photographer?Talent, skill, knowledge, experience builds a photographer, not just a camera.

Good photographer must have an idea, must catch a moment and what is the most important must know how to make a photo.  It is not enough to buy good, expensive camera with already effects inside and to make random clicks everywhere you go. You must catch a moment, unusual, different, you must catch something that your friends, your network friends cannot and you must work in the darkroom to see the first product of your work.

People can shoot now thousand photos in Auto mode with digital camera and they do not need to pay for that, if they had to pay for all those shots, they would be much more careful to call themselves"photographers".
Would be really good that somebody gives darkroom to so-called photographers and to let them see how first-hand looks like. When most of them see how bad they are, they will know that a photographer is a skilled profession. Buying and having film developed costs a money and working in lab costs a time.

I see people take photos every day, random everything they see around selves and posting with claims of being photographer.

 Does a new generation know the art of real photography when they see it or they think everything is worth?
I think even now many people can make a difference between good photography and just average.

It is obviously that many people take photography to be famous and get feedback almost instantly. BUT ... 

Flowers are flowers, cats are cats, we like them in real life, we like them on social networks, but that also does not mean that we are good, that we are already photographers.

 Does someone ask us to put that photo in his house or was anybody willing to compensate for them?

We can be liked all day long, every time when we put our photos, but it does not change the fact that everyone is NOT A PHOTOGRAPHER! It takes talent, skill, knowledge and having "the eye to be a good photographer", not a fancy camera.

Not so long ago I read an article that a new generation of photography came. 
Technology improved, Camera had improved over the years and that is all. It still does not mean who takes a photo is that "new generation". Photographer must still have the talent, skill, eye, everything they have mastered over the year.

Somebody learned for photography, went to school, spent days and months in the darkroom trying to find one great photo, somebody earns money for that.
We can attempt, put our photos, explain what we have in mind, our friends will write or say they are great, the others will preserve their judgement for themselves, but we are not photographers we are doing that exclusively as a hobby and a hobby don't make somebody professional.
As we realized after a few years that we are not models, soon many of so called photographers will realize that they are not photographed.
We can only guess what is the next trend.

"Good photographers" who make real good photography will still like before years shine above all the people running around with their digital camera with no clue how to use it properly.